Are you connected to the health sciences and passionate about music? We have the right outlet for you.

Audition details

Audition submissions for Spring 2025 will be accepted starting in early November and are due by December 1, 2024. The audition details below will be updated in October.

Audition requirements:

  • Recording #1: A 2-4 minute video recording of your playing. You can choose contrasting excerpts or perform a single solo work. Accompaniment is not needed. We want to get to know you as a musician.
  • Recording #2: A video recording of the excepts for your instrument in this Dropbox folder (music will be uploaded in October).

To submit your audition materials, please complete this form with your contact details and other background information. Upload your unedited videos to YouTube, a Google Drive folder, or Dropbox, and share the link in the form. Ensure the permissions are set so the video is accessible without needing additional permissions or login.

DMO members sitting out for a semester or more are required to complete a musical check-in. This involves preparing a specified excerpt and submitting it as a video and submitting it by December 1, 2024 for Spring 2025. 

Member expectations

We perform at least three concerts a year. In addition to fall and spring concerts in Baldwin auditorium on the campus of Duke University, or in an outdoor venue, we also perform for special events hosted by various organizations in and around Durham.

Rehearsals take place on Sundays from 6-8:30pm. Membership dues of $60 per semester ($30 per semester for students and trainees) help cover basic costs.

As a medical orchestra, the DMO is committed to minimizing infection risk for its musicians and audiences. All DMO members are required to complete a primary vaccination series for COVID and to comply with orchestra policies regarding masking and absence from rehearsals or performance following a high-risk exposure or known infection.