Policy Effective Fall 2024
- Please avoid missing more than two rehearsals per semester.
- Communicate all anticipated absences to your section leader and the membership coordinator as early as possible in the semester, using the attendance reporting link.
- Work related absences will continue to be an acceptable reason for missing rehearsal provided notice is given in advance.
- Rehearsals start promptly at 6 PM. The expectation is that everyone is in their seat about 10 minutes before rehearsal starts. Last-minute and late entrances are disruptive.
- To minimize disruption, all string players will be asked by their section leaders to fill in any empty chairs in their sections beginning at 5:55pm. Late arriving members will be expected to sit in any open chair in the back of their section.
- Attendance and punctuality factor into part assignments and seating in the orchestra. Excessive absences, regardless of the reason, or tardiness may result in seating changes, probation status, or dismissal.
Please communicate with Teerada if you cannot access the attendance link or have questions: teerada@gmail.com
The success of the orchestra’s artistic accomplishments depends on each member. The goal in rehearsals is to learn each other’s parts, to learn how to fit in, how to change colors, to match articulation and bowings exactly, and not to learn one’s individual part. A missed rehearsal means a missed opportunity to master ensemble playing and learn more about the music.
We understand that everyone has busy work schedules and is striving for a well-balanced work-life schedule. Committing to DMO means being present and punctual for rehearsals. Please prioritize DMO in your calendars and try to negotiate around it. We notice that members increasingly have not communicated their absences or send emails day of rehearsal, which does not allow us to plan for rehearsals effectively. As you schedule your personal and work commitments, please make sure DMO is part of that planning. Thank you.